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Accord - balanced interrelationship, harmony

Accord also means being in agreement, an official political agreement and doing something out of one’s own will. A chord is a group of (typically three or more) notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony. Not every chord sounds pleasant on its own! It’s when chords resolve that we get the greatest satisfaction. Put the two words together and you have “achord.” A life that is “in achord” is a life lived at peace with oneself and with the people around you. It is a life lived in harmony. I firmly believe that if we could learn to work through and with our emotions to give ourselves grace we would be able to give more grace to others. And if we could do that, we would live in a healthier and more balanced world where we take care of each other and the world we live in. We would live in achord.

Welcome to my corner of the internet where I write about the intersection of emotions and music.

 I’m Caitlin Renner and I’m passionate about using private music lessons to help people learn about themselves and others. You can find more than you want to know about me on my about page. The short story is that I’m an American violist, violinist and fiddler who has been teaching for 15 years. I’m fascinated by the ways music helps us navigate our own emotions when we play. I’m also intrigued by how we can use music to help other people connect to themselves. You can find what I’m learning about in connecting my whole self to my music and my teaching on my musical musings page.  You can find resources that I’m creating based off what I’m learning on my resources page and my adventures as an expat in the UK with my personal ponderings.